No Negativity November

For the last couple of years, inspired by “No-Shave November”, I have set out to have a “No Negativity November”. Click here to read last year’s post and click here for the year before. With the onset of the depression caused by the shorter, darker days this time of year, I personally need a reminder to keep my attitude bright and positive. How else can you get through the stress of the holiday season and actually be present enough to enjoy it!?

This year, for No negativity November, I want to focus on replacing negative thoughts with gratitude. The idea is to catch the negative thinking and stop it in its tracks, then replace it with something I’m grateful for. Bonus points if I can turn the situation I’m upset about into a positive by finding the silver lining!
Although I never have a perfect month, I definitely see a difference when I’m making a conscious effort. Everyone has little things that can mar an otherwise great day, but the difference is how you react and recover from those little things and move forward.

Are you taking on “No Negativity November” this year? Have you done this challenge with me in the past? Do you give something up for the month of November? Leave a comment and let me know how its going!