Choosing Gratitude


I decided a long time ago that gratitude was the most important feeling we as humans could have. Gratitude can lift you from the depths of a depression or snap you out of a grumpy mood. Grateful feelings radiate outwards and are passed on exponentially, like a ripple effect. It’s the most effective kind of energy to put out into the world. It isn’t a feeling that always comes easily. We all have bad days or grouchy moments, but it’s so helpful to use gratitude to pull yourself out of the negative feelings and swap them for extra positive ones.


8 Ways to be more grateful

  1. Don’t limit yourself- appreciate everything

    When you’re practicing gratitude, don’t leave anything out. It can be micro or macro. Everything counts. You can be grateful for something good that happened to you or something nice you earned, but you can be just as grateful for having woken up in the morning. Big, small, large scale, small scale, or things you don’t even notice most days— take notice of and appreciate all of them!

  2. Look at your challenges as growth

    You don’t only want to look at positive experiences to be grateful for, but for negative experiences, as well. Not only do negative events put things into perspective and remind you of all of the things you were taking for granted, but there are often times lessons you would never have otherwise learned that will shape you into the person you’re becoming.

  3. Practice Mindfulness

    Take time out of each day to think of a few things you are grateful for. But like, really think about them. Focus and stay in those feelings for a few minutes. I guarantee you will feel happier afterwards. The more days in a row you do this, the easier it will become, until its second nature, and then gratitude, which begets happiness, will eventually just be your standard operation.

  4. Take Time Daily

    Get a gratitude journal and write down a few things you’re thankful for each and every day. Whenever you’re having a tough day, you can look back through everything you’re grateful for to remind yourself. Physically writing down your thoughts push you to focus and think about each choice consciously. I like to do this in my day planner. My Day Designer has space on each day for “Daily Gratitude”, so I never miss a day!

  5. Help Others

    Studies have found that the most reliable way to momentarily raise your level of well-being is by helping others. Doing something to help someone else will make you feel good, increasing your ability to have more gratitude. Helping others and volunteering can also put things into perspective to help you realize what you’ve been taking for granted and remember to appreciate those things.

  6. Express Your Gratitude

    If you are grateful for something, say it! If you are thankful for someone, show it! Expressing your gratitude makes you focus in on it, exponentially increasing those positive feelings. It also brightens that other person’s day, which will make you feel good, too!

  7. Spend time with loved ones

    What could remind you to be grateful as much as being around people that are grateful for you? Energy is contagious, so when you’re feeling less than appreciative, get in the company of people who are. Spending time together strengthens relationships, which will increase your gratitude, and it will give you a chance to try out #6 and express your gratitude for others. If someone you love is going through a tough time, it could also be a good time to practice #5 and do something to make them feel better!

  8. Do things that make you happy

    Gratitude and happiness go hand in hand. What activities make you feel positive and remind you to be thankful? Go do those ASAP! For some, it could be taking a walk on the beach or relaxing with a cup of coffee. For others, it might be doing something you’re good at like painting, reading, or working out. Take the initiative to turn your attitude around and get your happy brain chemicals working!


These days, I’m extra grateful for my health, my dog, and my home. I’m also always grateful for sunny days and a good night’s rest. What are some things you’re grateful for? Leave a comment below and let me know!
