Fall Bucket List
This Anna Sui x Target dress is perfect for fall celebrations or a dress-up Thanksgiving dinner.
Admittedly, fall is not my favorite season. I KNOW, I know. But for me, it just isn’t all that. Heavy food, muted colors, to me it’s just meh. If you remember my Holiday Bucket List post from last year, you’ll know that the Christmas season is one of my favorite times of year, so I like to plan out my list of festive things so that I don’t miss them. When it comes to fall, I like to make a bucket list so that I can make the season I’m not as ecstatic about so much more fun.
Autumn Bucket List:
Fall Scented Candles
An easy way to get in the mood for something or bring up a memory is with scent. I do this every season, honestly, so maybe I just like candles, but whatever. It makes a difference! This time of year I love anything musky, pumpkin, or bakery scented.
Football Games
Most years I would try to attend at least one high school football game— the stadium lights, the energy of the crowd, and that small town feeling of community are all so quintessential nostalgic fall in my mind. This year, there won’t be any games I can go watch in person, but I will definitely be following my favorite college team on tv. (ROLL TIDE!)
Carve Jack-o-Lanterns
This is a classic fall activity. I have never quite managed to time this one out correctly and always end up carving my pumpkin on Halloween or the day before, leaving myself no time to enjoy the thing and all the hard work I put into it. One year I did make really cute Pineapple Jack-o-Lanterns that only lasted a couple of days. Maybe this year I will try a watermelon or something.
Apple Related Activities
There is a little town just northeast of where I live called Julian, and they are known for their apple pie and apple cider. I have always wanted to go out there to try apple picking, which might have to wait for next year. But for now, maybe I can grab a “Mom’s” Apple Pie from the local grocery store.
Pumpkin and Fall Decor
Okay, I know this seems like a “duh” thing to add to this list, but if I don’t write it down, my ADHD will forget about it and not do it. Last year, I got a couple of those clear glass pumpkins from Home Goods and I decorate my bedroom dresser with them and it makes such a difference. Changing up your decor in little ways is always a fun way to refresh your space and keep things from getting too boring. You notice those little things like a couple glass pumpkins and so then FALL stays at the top of your mind.
Sweet Maisy is so patient with me dressing her up in costumes…or maybe she just wants treats?
Dog Halloween Costumes
This might make me an actual crazy person, but I love dressing my dog up for Halloween and BLESS her, she is so patient with me. Don’t worry, she is rewarded with lots of treats and only has to wear them for a few mInutes while I take pictures. This is what I get for being over 30 with no kids. I don’t usually even dress up for halloween anymore, but Maisy always has multiple costumes every year. It’s so cute. I can’t help myself.
Every year I make this butternut squash lasagna for my family’s Thanksgiving dinner.
Thanksgiving Traditions
Thanksgiving is honestly my least favorite holiday. My family doesn’t have any traditions around it other than eating, which to me, is so boring. But like I said, listing things out like this helps you create those traditions that you look forward to, so I am counting the one time I cook for my family like, ever, which is at Thanksgiving when I make this amazing butternut squash and spinach lasagna from Julia’s Album. Her recipes are so easy to follow and people are very impressed, especially if they never see you cook. Oops? (Some years I swap for vegan ingredients and it’s just as good. Just depends on what we’re doing that year!)
Snuggle in bed and read
This is something I do a lot already (plus it’s quarantine approved!), but I try to make a point of doing this in the fall. It’s just so nice to get cuddled up under some heavy blankets while its chilly outside and relax with a cup of coffee and a good book. This year my goal is to read twelve books (one a month) and I’m way behind, so I definitely need to get to this asap!
Maisy loves a good puppaccino
So tbh, I tried a pumpkin spice latte one time a few years back and it was kind of gross. The point of this list item is to have a festive fall-themed drink. This usually involves Starbucks because I have some “basic” tendencies, but this year I’m digging their pumpkin cream cold brew.
Pink sunsets over the ocean are my favorite.
Enjoy the Sunsets
Fall and winter are when we get the most beautiful colorful sunsets in Southern California. Watching the sunset over the ocean is one of my favorite things, but this time of year the sunsets are absolutely exceptional.
Friend Reunions
Okay, so this one definitely won’t be happening this year, but usually it’s so nice to reconnect with old friends that have moved away when they visit for the holidays. Maybe this year we can do a Zoom gathering instead?
What are your favorite ways to feel festive in the fall? Are you adding any of these to your list this year? Leave a comment and let me know!