No Negativity November

Last year, after forever seeing “No Shave November” and other ideas like it, I came up with the idea of “No Negativity November” (click that link to read last year’s post for the details!). Now, before you come at me about toxic positivity and all of that, hear me out. This concept isn’t about ignoring negative things or pushing down your true feelings. No Negativity November is about changing a bad habit— in this case, negative thinking. When you feel those little complaints coming on, or those little naggy thoughts, you redirect with something positive, like a different perspective or gratitude. This can also mean removing triggers, like not turning on the news first thing in the morning or not answering the texts of the friend that just complains all of the time.

This month, I personally want to focus on negative self-talk thoughts. As we continue to attempt to navigate through this weird seemingly endless era of our existence, it can be very easy to slip back into bad habits and negative attitudes. While we continue to face restrictions, real life still goes on. The pressures and milestones and daily life keep happening, while so many are suffering and grieving. How is my opinion, or my productivity, or my blog, or my skincare routine important while millions are dying? What’s the difference if I skip my workout and stream a full season of a tv show instead? Many of us are hitting this wall and losing sight of our goals and the light at the end of the tunnel slips further and further away. It’s difficult to keep a positive outlook when the world is reeling around you. That’s why this year I think it’s more important than ever to set our focus higher and stay above the thoughts that want to pull you under.

Are you doing a “No-Something November” this year? Are you trying this one with me? What steps are you taking to hold yourself accountable to negative thinking? Leave a comment below and let me know!
